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#Court of Appeal

Misconduct in public office – No shame!

A look at the case of Collins, Lewis & Jaffer [2022] and misconduct in public office.

Confiscation – A continuing act is capable of amounting to a criminal lifestyle

Lloyd Jenkins looks at SORAYA [2022] EWCA Crim 602 (3 May 2022) and its implications for POCA cases.

Lloyd Jenkins wins at the Court of Appeal

Lloyd Jenkins, solicitor advocate at the PDS, recently appeared before the Court of Appeal, with leave of the Single Judge, to appeal a sentence of 18 months immediate custody imposed at a local crown court in January 2022.

Dangerous driving appeals – R v Shamami [2022] EWCA Crim 351

In the recent case of R v Shamami [2022] EWCA Crim 351, the Court of Appeal considered an appeal against the imposition of a six-year driving disqualification for dangerous driving.