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Robin Howat

Robin has comprehensive experience of most aspects of serious crime with an exclusively defence-based practice for over 25 years. A considerable number of his cases last several months and involve vast amounts of depositions and unused material.

Robin Howat, defence barrister
Robin Howat, criminal defence barrister

Career highlights

Call: 1986

Robin’s areas of expertise include Homicide, serious violent crime, MTIC fraud, Rape and child sex grooming offences, firearms, money laundering, drugs importation and supply, sanctions evasion, prison mutiny. Robin has been an advocate in prisons in challenges to mandatory drugs testing, amendments to the Home Leave regime and relating to the Royal Prerogative of Mercy. He has represented a number of Prisoners within the Bloggs System. He has garnered a specialist understanding of the law and practice of Disclosure and RIPA authorisation in relation to Covert Surveillance.

Robin Howat CV
(PDF, 173 KB)

Instruct Robin Howat for your defence

To instruct Robin or for further information, contact our clerks.

Instruct Robin Howat

Notable cases

R v J, Preston Crown Court (Fraud)

Leading Counsel in VHCC contracted fraud case involving advanced fee fraud by subject of TV expose. Utilised specialised knowledge of the law and practice of Disclosure and RIPA.

R v T, Lincoln Crown Court (Murder)

Leading Counsel for a bus driver who pleaded guilty to five counts of causing death by dangerous driving following the “Skegness Bus Disaster” following lengthy legal arguments.

R v L, Nottingham and Leicester Crown Courts (Sexual offences)

Leading Counsel in a series of three trials lasting nearly 12 months in total for one of the main Defendants in Operation Retriever. The operation was based around a “street grooming gang” based in Derby. The Defendant was acquitted of a substantial number of the allegations he faced. The case received extensive national press coverage and triggered widespread debate.

R v A, Central Criminal Court (Sanctions offences)

Junior Counsel in Matrix Churchill trial which collapsed following admissions that Government Ministers acquiesced in the sale of missiles to Saddam Hussein leading to Scott Enquiry.

R v S, Lewes Crown Court (Drug offences)

Leading Counsel in VHCC contracted case for main Defendant in 15-handed Conspiracy to supply multiple kilos of Class A drugs from South America via Africa and Europe.