Our prison law team can provide specialist advice to prisoners, who qualify for legal aid, on a range of matters throughout their sentence.
Parole Board reviews
When a prisoner is entitled to apply for parole, we can submit representations in support of their application. If a case is referred to oral hearing, we can represent prisoners throughout the oral hearing process.
Licence recalls
When a prisoner is released from custody they will be subject to licence conditions. If those licence conditions are breached, or suspected to have been breached, they may be recalled to custody. From the point of recall we can assist. We can assist by preparing and submitting representations in support of the prisoner’s release. We will also represent prisoners should their case be referred for oral hearing.
Independent adjudications
Prisoners who disobey Prison Rules will be charged and often referred to the Outside Adjudicator. The Independent Adjudicator can award 42 additional days for each offence committed. We are experienced in representing prisoners before the Outside Adjudicator in either defending the charge or advancing strong mitigation on their behalf.
Sentence calculations
If there is a dispute about sentence calculation and the internal complaints procedure has been exhausted, we may be able to assist.
Category A reviews
When a prisoner’s Category A status is reviewed, we can assist by submitting representations on their behalf.
Meet our specialist prison law team
Lisa Carney
Lisa Carney, has 15 years’ experience in assisting clients with prison law issues.
Lisa has substantial experience in prison law, representing prisoners since 2003 with a variety of issues including, adjudications and parole board hearings. Lisa has been a prison law supervisor for a number of years and offers prison law expertise from our Darlington office.

Pippa Carruthers
Pippa has specialised in prison law since 2008 and represents individuals across the country in prison disciplinary proceedings and in parole reviews.
Pippa is particularly experienced in appearing at complex Parole Board oral hearings and representing individuals serving a life sentence in their applications for release from prison. She enjoys representing vulnerable individuals and ensuring that they can effectively engage with the process.
Pippa is based in our Darlington office.